Archive Mode. Call Art Speaks Juried Exhibition 2024 ended on 3/1/24, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Terms & Conditions
Art Speaks Juried Exhibition
Thank you for entering our juried exhibition. The following terms and conditions apply for all submissions.
- Eligibility is limited to artists living in Virginia, or with a working studio in Virginia, at least 18 years old.
- We accept original works only, completed since 1/1/2021, not shown or markedly similar to work shown in a previous Art Speaks (on the Bay) Exhibition.
- The Bay School reserves the right to exclude artwork that may be inappropriate for all audiences.
- Entries may be for sale or for display only. All work submitted must be priced for sale including commission (35% to the Bay School) or marked “NFS” (Not for Sale). From time of publication of catalog (4/15/24) until the end of the show, commission from any sale is owed to the Bay School.
- Digital images of all accepted artwork will be published online and in a print catalog, and for various other promotional purposes. Some cropping of images may occur for certain applications.
- Condition – Goods are to be delivered by Artist in good, saleable condition, free of defects other than of a nature that reflects the materials used. Goods that are to be hung on gallery walls are to be properly prepared by the Artist (i.e., properly framed, finished back with wire attached). The Bay School is NOT responsible for the preparation of goods to be displayed. The Bay School shall maintain goods with care, and make all reasonable efforts to comply with Artist’s instructions for care of the goods.
- Abandoned Goods – If Artist shall fail to remove any unsold goods after three months of the exhibition close, the unsold goods will be packed and shipped to the Artist’s address on file. Shipping costs will be the sole responsibility of the Artist, as goods will be sent C.O.D. by the Consignee’s choice of carrier.
- Insurance –The Bay School shall carry and maintain insurance for all goods received on consignment in the event of theft, or other damage as listed above under “Condition”. The Bay School is not responsible for damage incurred during transportation to and from the exhibition facility.
This call has agreed to
Terms & Conditions